Finding the right fit for a therapist is challenging. Thankfully, we live in a time where driving distance doesn’t have to be the obstacle that gets in the way of finding hope.
As a licensed therapist in both Indiana and California, I’m able to provide telehealth services to Indiana residents.
Telehealth allows us to provide therapy to our clients via live video conferencing. This can be done anywhere you have a computer or smartphone.
Telehealth appointments can be very beneficial if getting to a traditional in-person appointment is not convenient, or you simply just don’t want to.
Our telehealth solution allows you to schedule an appointment directly online and have the entire therapy session take place digitally. To learn more and get started with virtual therapy, please contact us today.
Is Telehealth the best option for me?
- You are in control of choosing your setting to make sure it is the safest and most secure for your appointments.
- Save time by eliminating the travel to/from the office.
- Gives the ability to maintain consistent appointments, even with a busy schedule.
- Recieve the same level of care as in-person appointments….& yes, this is true for couples sessions as well.
- To find out the limitations of telehealth please check out our FAQ page or schedule a consultation.